Insomnia strikes

I get insomnia from time to time, unfortunately.  Usually when my brain can’t process everything and it goes into hyper-mode.  Or if the house is too warm.  And tonight, I think I had a little bit of both.  Oh add that too I have been having mild panic-attacks. Yikes.

Today was kind of a bad day.  I’m not doing well at Target.  There have been a handful of people just not show up at work (and eventually fired) … and I actually do the right thing and do show up, but yet still I’m disregarded. Or my performance is nitpicked.  And there’s the fact that I miss Cam.  I’m considering just turning in my two weeks and trying to get the house organized. 

I wish the relocation people at Cam’s new job would contact us.  I have some questions, and no we don’t actually have a place yet in Atlanta… but it still would help if I could have some questions answered.  We’re also considering a short sale on the house.  I talked to a realtor a few days ago, and basically the market is so bad that we’d have to have a sizeable amount to pay at closing… to the tune of $15,000.  With the repairs that have to go IN the house, and looking at something like that (and that being “best case scenario”) … there isn’t a way we can walk away with this, with our credit intact.  Frankly we don’t have that kind of money… end of story.  We can’t borrow that kind of money from the bank, we can’t have some sort of payment plan.  So as sad as it is, it is what it is.  Hopefully in a few years, after the dust has settled, we’ll be able to buy a house again.  But as much as we move (or like to move) I’m thinking maybe buying a home isn’t in our best interests.

~ by simoneinatl on July 25, 2009.

2 Responses to “Insomnia strikes”

  1. Insomnia struck me tonight/this morning. Or, rather, strange sleeping habits struck me. Leslie, in Nashville, says I deal well with random because my life is pretty random. I guess she’s right!

    I saw that you called earlier in the evening, but I had a massive headache, and had taken 2 Target Acetominophen (because I’m too cheap to buy real Tylenol) and laid down. Only I didn’t intend to actually sleep. But sleep I did. I woke up at 1:00am! So in my quest to find something to do overnight that wasn’t work-related, I decided to tackle your header graphic. I found a great skyline shot of Atlanta. I hope you like it.

  2. Oh don’t sweat it. I call, but I don’t necessarily expect a voice on the other end. God knows I get insanely busy where I can’t answer the phone (such as the case yesterday)

    Thank you SOOOOO MUCH for fixing the banner. It looks awesome!! It wasn’t exactly what I had in mind initially, but it looks FANTASTIC!

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